

Research is an important input for teaching. As such the activity of Research is pursued continuously by members of the staff. It is matter of pride to mention tha we have maximum number of staff members who hold M.Phil & Ph.D. degrees. Besides this some members of the staff guide research students of M.Phil & Ph.D. Further members of the staff attend National & International conferences and present research papers.

Saraswati Club

Every Wednesday members of the staff by rotation read paper on topics of their interest. Paper reading is followed by discussion on the topic. This provides an opportunity to members of the staff to exchange ideas, views & opinions with regard to multi-disciplinary subject. The Saraswati Club also invites people from all walks of life to deliever lectures on various subjects.

Staff Welfare fund

Charity begins at home. As such members of teaching and Non-teaching can avail credit help during a situation of financial emergency. This help is in the form of loans from contributions made by members of the welfare fund.

Social Activities

  • * Every year staff picnic is arranged by exercision committee. *
  • * Birthdays of the staff members are celebrated. *
  • * At the end of every term of each academic year dinner is arranged for members of teaching and Non-teaching *